昨天,从两会传来消息,现在中国人出国旅游的越来越多了,预计在2010年,会有一亿中国人出国旅游,同时来中国的外国游客也会越来越多,我想今天,我也用中英文介绍哈,我们武汉的风景:)screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" border=0 dypop="按此在新窗口浏览图片"> 位于汉阳,归元寺座落在武汉市汉阳区翠微路西侧。清顺治十五年(1658年),由浙江僧人白光、主峰来此创建。取名“归元”,出自佛经《楞严经》归元无二路,方便有多门”。归元即归真,就是超出生灭之界,还归于真寂本源的意思。在佛教中,归元寺属于曹洞宗(该宗系禅宗五家七宗之一),故又称归元禅寺。它与宝通寺、溪莲寺、正觉寺合称为武汉的四大丛林。guiyuan temple guiyuan temple is located on cuiwei street of hanyang district in wuhan,hubei province.it’s one of rthe most famous buddhist temples in china. the temple was constructed in the early qing dynasty by two monks named baiguang and zhufeng.they built it at the base of sunflower garden.its name “giyuan” means “to return to the original purity”. the name originated from a buddhist chant, “with purity kept in mind,one has the thoroughfare everywhere.” guiyuan temple has long been a place of interest for tourists.during the past ten years,it has become famous both at home and abroad for its perfect architecture,rich collection of buddhist sutra,and 500 arhats statues.
关键字: 中国人 出国旅游 归元寺 武汉市 汉阳区