临夏饭店是临夏州接待国家领导人和贵宾的国宾馆,也承担着接待国内外旅行团、各重要会议的任务。 饭店是按国家三星级建设的旅游涉外饭店,整个饭店是一座园林建筑群,风景优美、设施豪华、服务优良。以安宁幽雅、恬静、舒适而闻名于海内外,是中外宾客绝好的下榻、休闲之地。
linxia hotel in the official designated state guesthouse of linxia area for receiving heads of state and cither distinguished guests. its also receives tourist groups, both foreign and domestic places for meetings and conferences. linxia hotel is a 3-star hotel which was originally a rural village where you can lie sleeping peacefully and is now the guesthouse composed of a group of building in an estate garden style with beautiful small parks. they are well known inside and outside the county for its environmental peacefulness elegance and comfort. so is one of the most excellent places suitable to stay and nest on their trip
设施篇 饭店现有豪华套房、普通套房、标准间318间。客房配有智能卡门锁、电子密码保险柜、空调设施和完善的服务设施,为您提供安全、舒适的居住条件。
our hotel now has 318 presidential. super deluxe and deluxe suites as well as standard suites .the guest rooms are equipped with ic-and locks are conditioners and all sorts of facilities, which provide yon safe and comfortable living conditions
. 服务篇 大、小会议室、多功能厅会议室为您举行各种会议和商务洽谈提供方便。
large and small auditoriums and multi-functional rooms offer you convenience in holding all kinds of conferences and business meetings.
环境篇 饭店视野宽阔,环境优雅,苍树碧池,鸟语花香,硕大的奇石,巧夺天工的临夏砖雕,是集休闲度假、商务洽谈、文化娱乐为一体的理想之处。/
linxia hotel being characteristic of its wide vision, elegant environment verdant trees and green pool, birds twitter and fragrance of flowers, the great uncanny stone, linxia brick carving is an ideal place for spending holiday, business and cultural entertainment.
综合篇 临夏饭店位于临夏市繁华地段,交通便利。具有设计典雅,装饰华丽的各式房间318间,餐位1000多个,车位100多个。各种娱乐设施一应俱全,是您下榻的理想选择。
linxia hotel is the 3- star hotel in linxia city which stands in the downtown district convenient. she is elegantly designed and luxuriously decorated, having 318 rooms and suites and 1000seats for diners, 100 parking. it also boasts all kinds of recreational facilities are the best place for you.
出疆旅游电话:0991-2671000 0991-2310325 18999981856 | 新疆散客旅游电话:0991-2310325 18099695348 18999832796 |