haifeng hotel is under the administration of erlianhot customs faced to erlianhot railwaystation.the hotel is in european construction style and the business center,nightclub,bar, health center ,sauna,beauty salon,shopping center ate set in the hotel.haifeng hotel has been reported to the national tourism administration for a “ three-star hotel ” on april 1, 2001.
大堂:拾级而上,钛金玻璃自动感应门缓缓开启,置身大堂,落落大方的吊顶, 24k 镀金吊灯枝舒叶曼 , 花妍果硕。墙面进口银线米黄的石材,在镀金装饰灯、米烧板石材装饰带的衬托下,显现出空间的舒展、石材的高贵。两个镀金水晶壁灯,晶莹璀璨,折射着怡情和欢悦。
lobby:the automatic door opens slowly,in the lobby ,the peculiar hanging housetop,24k gilded droplights and fineness stone show the extending of space .two gilded crystal wall-lights are of magnificence and great satisfaction.
设有大、中、小三个会议室 , 可接待小型会议及 150 人以下的大型会议。
conference room:there are three different - size conference halls with the holding of 150 persons.
出疆旅游电话:0991-2671000 0991-2310325 18999981856 | 新疆散客旅游电话:0991-2310325 18099695348 18999832796 |