北京碧湖宾馆坐落在风景如画的京郊怀柔区境内,交通便利,景色宜人,宾馆北面群山叠障,西面碧波涟漪,绿树环抱。碧湖宾馆依怀柔区最大道路环岛青春路环岛而建造,是通往千年古刹红螺寺、慕田峪长城、雁溪湖、云蒙山、神唐峪必经之路。 碧湖宾馆隶属于北京市对外经济贸易委员会,座落在风景如画的怀柔旅游度假区内,北面群山叠嶂,西面碧波涟漪,绿树环抱。交通便利,是通往千年古刹红螺寺、慕田峪长城的必经之路,是一家集会议、休闲度假、商务、旅游于一体的现代化三星级涉外宾馆。
bihu hotel
beijing bihu hotel is situated in the picturesque huairou in the suburbs of beijing. it is surrounded by mountains to the north and by waters to the west. the hotel is constructed by the side of the qingchun road intersection. it is the only way to the neigbouring scenic spots of hongluo temple, mutianyu great wall, yanqi lake, yunmeng mountain, shentangyu, yougu shentan and qinglong gorge.
it is an ideal place for conference, vacations and tourism.
beijing bihu hotel is well equipped with 129 sets of guest rooms, eight restaurants, 10 confer ence halls. the grand conference hall is able to accommodate over 300 people.
the hotel also has a bowling hall, billiards room, table tennis hall, games hall, gymnasium, sauna, swimming hall, tennis hall, singing and dancing hall, karaoke rooms.
the staff of the hotel follow the aim of "serving the guests first". they will serve different needs of the guests. it will surely bring the visitors a deep impression.
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